So I've been having a blast designing my VTOL flying wing. The guys over at rcgroups have the best advice I could find, and the software made by happysundays over at the vtols form (openAeroVTOL) is great. VTOL flying wing in hover mode. So here's what I have SO FAR. I took off the wings for the hover test because I wanted to progress one addition at a time. If hovermode had a sudden error, I might have ended up damaging the wings. I'm writing this at night, so I am getting ready to shut the lights off and finally get some rest, but here are some observations I took in from this nights hover tests. Takeoffs on uneven cement ground resulted in pitch oscillation, while takeoffs on even grass resulted in a smooth takeoff that I had to stop, and land immediately afterwards because it was banking. I did not make an attempt at trying to balance it. The pitch oscillation might have been caused by a really highly pitch P vaullue, ev...