Hobbyking Mini OSD - Modding a cheap OSD into a great and cheap OSD
Hobbyking Mini OSD So, let's get the parts list out of the way asap: HobbyKing OSD - $26 Upgrade GPS Module - $9 USB TTL 6 Pin Adapter - $5 usbASP Adapter - $3 You can find $1-$2 USB TTL adapters on ebay also. Make sure they're 6 pin. And here are the download links: U-Center U-OSD Direct Download Link Drivers you can find by googling if windows doesnt install it. Google Fu is an important skill. First, you have to take off the plastic surrounding the Mini OSD. Afterwards, flip it around and solder on some servo wires. I forgot to take pictures of mine so I will be using pictures from http://arxangelrc.blogspot.com/. Definitely check him out, he makes great content and designs aircraft too. Here's a picture that shows where the wires are supposed to go to from your Mini OSD to your usbASP with a 10 pin or a...