My work on the bloody wonder
So my first experiences with this plane was great. It could glide, fly, roll, loop, it could even vertically take off. At around this time i was really into two things in flight. Vertical flight/quadcopters, and aerial filming. I worked on aerial filming first. The goal was clear: a stable, slow flying aircraft. So i worked on the wing first.
The outcome was pretty awesome.
Read up on the Flite Test article i wrote below.
The display of the new wing, and tests.
The outcome was pretty awesome.
Read up on the Flite Test article i wrote below.
The display of the new wing, and tests.
The bloody wonder is such a versitile plane, it has a great glide slope and its awesome with acrobatics. It can do everything. I wanted to just glide, and to improve on that. With my father pressuring me and saying "aerobatics wont get you anywhere", i started a very short journey.
With the original build, flaps are not availible. I built a second wing for my plane that is interchangable with the first wing. The second has flaps, and also, it has a larger wing chord for more lift, also a MUCH larger airfoil. I made some mods to my static bloody wonder (no interchangable electronics), check them out!
So the wing first. I took a flat adams foamboard. No cuts, no nothing. I just made my ailerons 2 inches from the bottom, above that, i went up 17 cm and cut another streak to start the airfoil, and every bend was 1 cm apart from there, with the 5th one being 2 cm, and continuing 1 cm for two more bends.I sliced open holes for the servo arms to get through.
Mixed one servo to the other, and programmed channel 6 (5th is the second servo, you can also move this to 4th but i didnt want to, just in the case in the event that I moved my rudder stick by accident, nothing happened) to move one servo, and the other moved with it. I had to tweak around with end points, but i was very satisfied with the results. I used my knobs for the flaps, and with my FlySky FS-T6 i also had aileron control while the flaps were down.
The airfoil is 2-3 times thicker, but it works.
Onto the fuselage, i played around with the placement of the two sticks until it satisfied the CG. Enjoy!
Hope you enjoyed! Leave suggestions and improvement notes below.
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