Updating on the whole VTOL design situation

So I've been having a blast designing my VTOL flying wing. The guys over at rcgroups have the best advice I could find, and the software made by happysundays over at the vtols form (openAeroVTOL) is great.

VTOL flying wing in hover mode. 

So here's what I have SO FAR. 

I took off the wings for the hover test because I wanted to progress one addition at a time. If hovermode had  a sudden error, I might have ended up damaging the wings. 

I'm writing this at night, so I am getting ready to shut the lights off and finally get some rest, but here are some observations I took in from this nights hover tests. 

Takeoffs on uneven cement ground resulted in pitch oscillation, while takeoffs on even grass resulted in a smooth takeoff that I had to stop, and land immediately afterwards because it was banking. I did not make an attempt at trying to balance it. 
The pitch oscillation might have been caused by a really highly pitch P vaullue, even though it was only at 40. I suspected after lowering the P value twice from 80 to 60, then from 60 to 40, that unbalanced props might be causing a problem. I just now balanced all my props, and I will try again tomorrow morning to see if that helped. I'll try to update this blog more often if anyone actually reads it. 
Then again I'll update it frequently anyways because I want people to read it. 
Oh well. Flight test tomorrow morning, Saturday 7-8 AM est. I'll update asap afterwards. 
Maybe some videos too :)

Edit: Didnt feel like this needed another post.

Whatever i did, even after giving forward pressure it would pitch back and crash. I think that velcroing the fc into place was a bad idea. Ill hot glue it and update again.

Edit2: Here's the video.


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